Module menu
Functions for interacting with the ML menu.
get(menu, entry[, ret_type]) | Get the value of some existing ML menu entry. |
set(menu, entry, value) | Set the value of some existing ML menu entry. |
open() | Open ML menu. |
close() | Close ML menu. |
select([menu[, entry]]) | Select an item from ML menu. |
block(enabled) | Block the ML menu from redrawing (if you wand to do custom drawing). |
new(definition) | Creates a new menu item. |
visible | Get whether or not the ML menu is visible. |
Class menu
menu.value | Current value of the menu item. | | Name for the menu item. | | Help text for the menu item (line 1). |
menu.help2 | Help text for the menu item (line 2). |
menu.advanced | Advanced setting in submenus. |
menu.depends_on | Dependencies for this menu item. |
menu.edit_mode | Editing mode for the menu item. |
menu.icon_type | The type of icon to use for this menu item (override only if the default choice is not good). |
menu.max | The maximum value the menu item can have. |
menu.min | The minimum value the menu item can have. |
menu.selected | Whether or not the menu is selected. |
menu.hidden | Hidden from menu. |
menu.submenu_height | Submenu Height. |
menu.submenu_width | Submenu Width. |
menu.unit | The unit for the menu item's value. |
menu.works_best_in | Suggested operating mode for this menu item. |
menu:select(delta) | Function called when menu is toggled. |
menu:update() | Function called when menu is displayed. |
menu:info() | Function called when menu is displayed. |
menu:rinfo() | Function called when menu is displayed. |
menu:warning() | Function called when menu is displayed. |
menu.choices | List of strings to display as choices in the menu item. |
menu.submenu | Table of more menu tables that define a submenu. |
menu:remove() | Removes this menu entry. |
- get(menu, entry[, ret_type])
Get the value of some existing ML menu entry.
- menu string name of the parent menu ('Audio', 'Expo', 'Overlay', 'Shoot', 'Movie', etc)
- entry string name of the menu entry
- ret_type
int or string
desired return type (optional, default string)
By default, this function returns a string (the current menu text).
Pass any integer to get the result as int, i.e. the internal integer value for this menu entry. Usually, 0 = OFF and 1 = ON, numeric values "just work", pickbox indices are from 0, but each menu entry may define its own meaning - YMMV).
You may also pass a string (for compatibility reasons); this will not change the default behavior. (optional)
int, string or nil
the current value of the requested menu entry (nil if menu entry not found)
- set(menu, entry, value)
Set the value of some existing ML menu entry.
- menu string name of the parent menu ('Audio', 'Expo', 'Overlay', 'Shoot', 'Movie', etc).
- entry string name of the menu entry.
- value int or string the value to set.
bool or nil
whether or not the call was sucessful, or nil if the requested menu entry was not found.
- open()
- Open ML menu.
- close()
- Close ML menu.
- select([menu[, entry]])
Select an item from ML menu.
- menu string name of the parent menu ('Audio', 'Expo', 'Overlay', 'Shoot', 'Movie', etc) (optional)
- entry string name of the menu entry (optional)
whether or not the call was sucessful.
- block(enabled)
Block the ML menu from redrawing (if you wand to do custom drawing).
- enabled bool
- new(definition)
Creates a new menu item.
- definition table
a menu object
mymenu = { parent = "Movie", name = "Lua Test Script", help = "Some help for this script.", submenu = { { name = "Run", help = "Run some action.", update = "", }, { name = "Parameter Example", help = "Help for Parameter Example", min = 0, max = 100, unit = UNIT.DEC, warning = function(this) if this.value == 5 then return "this value is not supported" end end, }, { name = "Choices Example", choices = { "choice1", "choice2", "choice3" }, } }, update = function(this) return this.submenu["Choices Example"].value end, } mymenu.submenu["Run"].select = function() print("Parameter Example= "..mymenu.submenu["Parameter Example"].value) print("Choices Example= "..mymenu.submenu["Choices Example"].value) end
Class menu
Represents a menu item.- menu.value
Current value of the menu item.
- value int or string
Name for the menu item.
- name string
Help text for the menu item (line 1).
- help string
- menu.help2
Help text for the menu item (line 2).
- help2 string
- menu.advanced
Advanced setting in submenus.
- advanced bool
- menu.depends_on
Dependencies for this menu item.
If the dependecies are not met, the item will be greyed out and a warning will appear at the bottom of the screen.
- depends_on int constants.DEPENDS_ON
- menu.edit_mode
Editing mode for the menu item.
Set to 1 to show the LiveView image while changing values in this menu.
- edit_mode int
- menu.icon_type
The type of icon to use for this menu item (override only if the default choice is not good).
- icon_type int constants.ICON_TYPE
- menu.max
The maximum value the menu item can have.
- max int
- menu.min
The minimum value the menu item can have.
- min int
- menu.selected
Whether or not the menu is selected.
- selected int
- menu.hidden
Hidden from menu.
- hidden bool
- menu.submenu_height
Submenu Height.
- submenu_height int
- menu.submenu_width
Submenu Width.
- submenu_width int[opt] (override if needed)
- menu.unit
The unit for the menu item's value.
- unit int constants.UNIT
- menu.works_best_in
Suggested operating mode for this menu item.
- works_best_in int constants.DEPENDS_ON
- menu:select(delta)
Function called when menu is toggled.
- delta int
- menu:update()
Function called when menu is displayed. Return a string to be displayed.
- menu:info()
Function called when menu is displayed. Return a string to be displayed in the info area (in green).
- menu:rinfo()
Function called when menu is displayed. Return a string to be displayed on the right side of the menu item.
- menu:warning()
Function called when menu is displayed. Return a string when there is a warning (menu will be greyed out).
- menu.choices
List of strings to display as choices in the menu item.
- choices table
- menu.submenu
Table of more menu tables that define a submenu.
- submenu table
- menu:remove()
- Removes this menu entry.